Dan Quinn from the Dallas Cowboys versus Mike Macdonald representing the Baltimore Ravens? Are the Seattle Seahawks holding out for an ‘unconventional’ hire?

The search for Pete Carroll’s successor by the Seattle Seahawks continues, and there might be progress toward securing their desired candidate.

Despite Dan Quinn, the coordinator for the Dallas Cowboys, being considered the frontrunner, the Seahawks haven’t finalized the deal. Former Seahawks safety Paul Moyer speculates that the extended wait is due to the team either losing their initial target to another organization or waiting for the conclusion of the current playoff round to make a potentially ‘obscure’ selection.

Moyer expressed his thoughts on Seattle Sports’ Wyman and Bob, stating, “It’s actually that they’re going to do an exhaustive interview process.” There’s a concern that the prolonged timeframe could result in a missed opportunity if the preferred candidate has already been hired elsewhere. This delay hints at the possibility that the Seahawks might be considering a less conventional choice or waiting for candidates from playoff teams to become available.

While the term “obscure” might be relative compared to the experienced Quinn, potential candidates like Baltimore Ravens defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald (36 years old) and Detroit Lions offensive coordinator Ben Johnson (37 years old) have been mentioned. Despite Quinn’s defensive appeal, Johnson adds an offensive perspective, and Macdonald, though younger, brings defensive expertise.

The Seahawks could be waiting to observe the outcomes of the Championship games before proceeding with interviews. However, a potential drawback is that if both Detroit and Baltimore win their respective games, the Seahawks might need to endure an additional delay of a couple of weeks to complete the entire hiring process.

As the Seahawks’ head coaching search continues, the weekend’s games could influence the addition of more candidates to the interview list.

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